The plugin provides basic functionality, including syntax highlighting, code completion with automatic imports, refactorings, navigation, and correct formatting. Astro support is available via a plugin on the JetBrains Marketplace. The new version adds support for Astro, an open-source framework for generating web applications on top of UI frameworks like React, Preact, Vue, or Svelte. It has smart coding assistance for JavaScript and compiled-to-JavaScript languages, Node.js, HTML and CSS, with code completion, on-the-fly error detection, and refactorings.

WebStorm is a web development IDE from JetBrains. The updated version has support for the Astro framework, and TypeScript support for Vue templates. JetBrains has released WebStorm 2023.1, its IDE customized for JavaScript and TypeScript. JetBrains Releases Webstorm 2023.1 With Improved UI